Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weekly Anime Episeries Thing #2: Seitokai Yakuindomo Episode 2

We are once again back with another episode review of Seitokai Yakuindomo. Today, we will be following along the series and review episode 2.

  • We start off with what is assumed to be a love proposal to Tsuda. What we find out after the illustrious and catchy opening, "Yamato Nadeshiko Education", is that all she wanted to organize a Judo Club. 
  • What we have next is a series of interludes that are meant to keep the audience laughing, but in reality serve no real purpose for further plot advancement.
  • The Student Council decide to clean up a room on the second floor. This could be to allow room for the Judo Club though that isn't confirmed.
  • The next part is interesting, because as part of the Student Council Tsuda is expected to rank in the top 20 on the midterm scoring. He eventually goes to all three girls to ask for help, but what is interesting is his interactions with Suzu. She agrees to help him on the condition that they can be alone. She obviously likes him and has developed a very close bond with him, in a non-sexual manner of course (At least not yet), that is further developed near the end of the episode.
  • Next, we are introduced to our first teacher of the series, Student Council Supervisor, Yokoshima Naruko. She's generally not around the Council Room, but has made her re-emergence after hearing of a new Student Council member. She immediately tries to seduce and woo him. She is a very weird character often portraying a weird and very young girl's voice throughout the proceeding interludes where she is present. She by far the most sexually inclined of the bunch and even states that she could cause trouble with the introduction of boys at the school. As for an opinion on her, I'm really not sure yet.
  • After a series of comedic events, we here about a graduation trip going on soon for second years including: Aria and Shino. This will be the first time the group is split up and Tsuda and Suzu have to assume the roll as leaders. This trip is alluded to in the next episode preview as a hot springs episode. It will be interesting to see what direction they take, because so far they haven't really taken too many common anime paths. They don't take in too many anime stereotypes, but instead release random actions that may or may not be considered better or worse. 
  • Finally we have a discussion between Suzu and Tsuda near the end. Suzu expresses her troubles when she says, " Yes, when mature people have their childish side, they look cute. Yet, when childish people put on a mature attitude, why are they considered cocky?" This is probably the deepest the show has ever delved so far and is really actually something to think about. Tsuda's prompt response is that he doesn't think of her to be like this "anymore". Their relationship is definitely developed and it will be interesting to see where this extra bit of development in her direction leads us. A story arch, a potential romance, or just useless crap?
  • A final comment is that I forgot to mention that Tsuda mentioned his sister was planning to register next year. This is definitely going to come back, but I'm sure if the sister will be introduced in this season or in the second season. It doesn't feel like something they would just throw in.

In conclusion, I felt that it was enjoyable in many of the same ways as the first episode, but lacked the flare and flow or the first.
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