Saturday, February 1, 2014

HotD VS. DxD

Well, to this point I have reviewed the two shows mentioned above: Highschool of the Dead and Highschool DxD. These shows are similar in that fanservice is an obvious theme. They are both rated as ecchi, and both like to show explicit content. Both of these shows are extremely popular and have profound differences in that HOTD is based on a zombie apocalypse, with guns and weapons, while DxD has a combination of devils, angels, magic. But, how do these shows compare when they are put side by side in an all out war? (not really, but you know what I mean)

Art and Animation:

Highschool Dxd: 7.8/10

(It should be noted that all these ratings that have appeared on my blog are taken directly from it)

Once again we come to the first comparison: Animation. Some of the comparisons in this post will be the same as in the actual review, but I will do my best to expand or explain some parts that I may have missed.

The animation here is just very well done. The show supports itself with some nice fluid animation and also some bold and colourful scenes. This is the type of animation that we expect from the industry these days, and DxD has delivered greatly.

One problem (though not too big of a deal) is the animation differences between fanservice and all other scenes. What we have here is a noticeable discrepancy in the both animations, to which the fanservice seems to look like a different type of animation altogether. It doesn't simply look better, it looks a lot better. Though it isn't a big deal, it is the one of the defining characteristics to why it is known as an ecchi and nothing else. It presents itself as an ecchi and isn't afraid to show it or cover it up with a riveting story.
Overall: A good job nonetheless.

Highschool of the Dead: 9.3/10

Looking back on my review, I might have slightly lowered the score; maybe an 8.8-9.1 would suffice, but what can you do? You can't change the past, now can you. Anyways, I felt they show was very well animated. Sharp and very clean animated scenes score big points for this show. I feel like the colours are very crisp and the fight scenes are very fluent. What else is there to say?

Overall: Very well done.


Highschool DxD: B (note that AAR is the highest possible score)

In order to succeed here, a show must execute the deliverance of the ecchi in such a masterful way that the audience doesn't want it go away. This isn't to say that continuously blasting the audience with more and more boobs, panties, and more boobs, is "masterful", but it seems to be just enough. A "B" rating seems to be just an average rating, and well it is. Though DxD gains some points in its ability to use sex appeal in an attractive fashion and also in some comedic scenes, it lacks the ability to be smart. The smart showings of comedy and proper fanservice are overshadowed by the fact that the explicit scenes are used practically all the time. It's really hard to make yourself look smart, if you use such scenes all the time.

Otherwise, when comes to an ecchi, this shows a lot of explicit content. If you thought HotD showed a lot (well I guess it didn't show that much) then you're in for a surprise, cause DxD unloads boobs left and right. Though the amount of explicit activity can't be ignored, it can be seen as positive for those who enjoy it. And for those who don't, it can be seen as a negative. Personally I'm not such a big fan, but I can't use this as a judgement for rating for these exact reasons.
Overall: Ecchi, Boob.....the works

Highschool of the Dead: B++

Only a slightly better rating than DxD. It could have received a potential A had it not been for the bath scene. The bath scene is just so pointless and if I recall the most explicit of all the scenes in the show. I don't know why the creators had to ruin the show with such a useless bit of fanservice. Mixing in fanservice with action or comedy scenes is a much more efficient and appreciated. The show does use the fanservice in a good way, providing one of the weirdest, physics defying, funniest scenes I've seen in a while. (Of course, I'm talking about the gun-boob-matrix scene) Otherwise the show isn't too different in its usage of fanservice and is pretty well average overall. Some of the clothes ripping is kind of unnatural and somewhat of a hinderance to the show, but it isn't too big of a deal.

Overall: Matrix =good. Rest is okay. Just misses an A-


Highschool DxD: A

This is one of the departments where the show succeeded. The action scenes are very well animated and deserve credit. When looking at the action scenes in an ecchi (or many series these days for that matter), one cannot overlook the possibility of fanservice and panty shots. And, what do you know this show is chalk full of them. Included is a slew of panty shots, clothing ripping, bra busting,  clothing exploding, goodness that can only be described as Highschool DxD. But seriously, that slime "familiar" that melts clothes is downright hilarious. The screen time in this show is divided roughly half-and-half, with most of the beginning focusing on comedy/fanservice and the later parts focusing more on action scenes. I must say, that the action scenes are very well done, and perhaps the best animated scenes of the series, except for the aforementioned fanservice/borderline almost hentai-like scenes.

Overall: What DxD brings to the table is a weird story with some very surprising well animated action scenes.

Highschool of the Dead: A++

Once again HotD risen slightly over the top of DxD, and if anyone has disagreed so far, then know that this is my strongest argument. I genuinely believe that the action scenes in HotD than DxD. It would take a lot to convey me otherwise.

Anyways, coming into HotD I expected some very sexy looking action scenes and women. And, luckily enough I got what I expected and maybe even more. The action scenes are all over the place. The show is built on a thin plot, filled with loads of action, fanservice, and comedy to fill all the holes. And, it's not that bad at all. A lot of people say that if weren't for the fanservice, the show could have ranked much higher on many people's lists. And, well I totally agree. The action is just amazing. The gun shots are very slick, the sword smashing is very enjoyable and detailed with the zombie guts and blood, and the theatrics are overall just great. 
Overall: A great action series to pass the time


Highschool DxD: 8.01

Highschool DxD is a show that can be enjoyed fully, if you like the genre: Fanservice, Action, Comedy, Boobs. If any of these genres peek your interest then you might like the show. This is the type of show that you really need to just sit down, relax, and enjoy the show. You can't really look at it as a show that is purely fanservice and is nothing else. If the only purpose of the show was to show off the lovely few ladies with oversized breasts, then honestly I wouldn't be reviewing this. I feel that anyone going into the show needs to give it a fair chance, like they would any other anime. In general, I usually give a show 2-5 episodes before I decide if I want to continue or not. Actually there have been a couple times where I have put off a series after watching the first few episodes to watch later. (I wasn't in the mood to watch a sad series when I started "Ef Tale of Memories", so I put it off for a while and watched a comedy instead.) It doesn't take a lot to enjoy to the series, it just requires you to be able to ignore or enjoy the explicit content.

DxD, brings a combination of highs and lows in the enjoyment section:
-Some very enjoyable comedy scenes, that play on the ecchi themes of the show
-Enjoyable action scenes that keep you waiting for the next
-Very colourful and bright colour scheme that is pleasing to watch
-Fanservice is too explicit, and meaningless at times
-The introductory arch is too long and not very meaningful to the story
-Fanservice is too explicit, and meaningless at times...
Overall: Simple concept, great action and comedy scenes. Don't watch if you can't stand ecchis.

Highschool of the Dead: 8.87/10

HotD is a very enjoyable ride all the way through until the very non-existent ending. Although fanservice is scattered everywhere throughout this zombie-slaying adventure, there are still many points of enjoyments to be had. The great action scenes are definitely a plus to the shows gory and dark exterior. What's more this anime is really cool that the English dub is really well adapted to the North American scene. The dub is not only well done, but the enjoyment is feeling that these characters are not just anime characters, but they talk and act like us too. (...And then you look at the character boob size and hair colour and return to back to reality.
Obviously there is the problem of very annoying fanservice throughout the whole show. As an anime fan who loves fanservice in his anime, I have too say that this show somewhat disappoints in its excess of fanservice in annoyingly, bad places. Otherwise the show doesn't really have too much in an interesting story to peak any interests.
Overall: What I feel it does is provide action scenes in the correct places, but doesn't achieve this in the fanservice department. It messes a lot in its placement of fanservice, but I feel like that it does succeed in making me want more of it, in other scenes.

                             Dxd  HotD
Art and Animation: 7.8  9.3
Ecchi:                     B    B++
Action:                   A    A++
Enjoyment              8.01 8.87

Well, I guess it's a clear cut victory for Highschool of the Dead...Maybe. What was looked at in this comparison was a few key points in comparing the two that are similar Comedy, Ecchi, Action, anime. In these key categories, I feel as though HotD has prevailed. Are these scores partly biased on my part, I won't rule that out. I definitely favour HotD over DxD, so maybe it swayed some of my decisions. I will say right now that I feel like DxD was more story-driven and I felt like it had more of a synergy with all of its events.

So I feel the there are 4 paths. 
1. You've read this review and you can't decide what to watch
2.You are in no way interested in these shows, but somehow stumbled upon this, and don't plan on watching any of these.
3.You will watch HotD, because of its awesome action, comedy, and fanservice. You really want to see the Japanese take on the ever so popular Zombie Apocalypse
4. You know about DxD's reputation for a very vigorous exploration of the human body. You are willing to take the crazy amounts and ready for a ride that is very balanced and well rounded in all aspects, except for the aforementioned fanservice.

Anyways hopefully you enjoyed and found this comparison post helpful and I wish you guys the best. As always don't forget to Rate, Comment, Follow, and CYA!

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