Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weekly Anime Episeries: Seitokai Yakuindomo Episode 3

Welcome back to another episode review. Today we will be reviewing episode 3 of Seitokai Yakuindomo.

  • In terms of comedy, this episode was rather lackluster compared to the rest. Comedy scenes are not as funny or plentiful in this episode as the previous 2. This episode can be scene as more of a filler episode, or just basically an excuse to have a hot springs scene to which the directors are able to reveal some skin.
  • What this episode does do well is show us how important it is for our main characters to be together. It is mentioned throughout the episode that Shino and Aria act differently because Tsuda isn't around. Also life is boring for Hagimura and Tsuda without the other two to spice things up.
  •  What was scene in previous episodes was a lack of real fanservice and an enormous emphasis on the comedic perversion instead. This episode actually produces some fanservice, but only in the way of slight cleavage/boob revelations. What was actually pretty interesting was that the skirts of the girls are pretty high up, and at points where I expected a panty shot, I was left with nothing. This scene is seen when a random girl flaps up her skirt and all we see is a skin. This either means that she isn't wearing panties or her skirt wasn't lifted high enough. It was overall just a weird beginning to the scene.
  • The only real bit of development we get is that Aria is rich. It was hinted in the last episode that she was rich, but this one just further reinforces it. We also get reassurance of the size of her upper package, but are reminded of the President's. 

  • Since their isn't much to talk about, I will use this time to talk about the OP and ED.
  • Opening: The OP, Yamato Nadeshiko Education, is definitely a well made one. It is a catchy tune that's well thought out and destined for this type of show. The animation in the background really does a lot to demonstrate what the show is all about. Overall, it's just a solid OP
  • Ending: The ED, Aoi Haru, is very well done and most likely superior in comparison with the OP. Generally, I'm really not one for ED's and I even skip a fair bit of them, but this one was really good. Who is the girl in the animation? Is it Aria? Who knows. All I know is that this an amazing job by "angela" and probably one of my favourite ED's of all time. It is very pleasing to the ear and the animation does a excellent job of showing off the show. Hmmm, isn't it interesting that "Angel" and "Beautiful Fighter", by angela is are some  my favourite OP's of all time? Well, I can tell you that I like this one strictly, because of how good it is and not because it is sung by angela.

Oh well that is it for today. Hope you guys enjoyed. Hopefully the next episode will come back with some of the good all laughs we had in the first 2 episodes. As always, don't forget to Follow, Like, Comment, and CYA!

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