Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pokemon Review: Magmortar

HP: 75
Attack: 95
Defense: 67
Sp Attack: 125
Sp Defense: 95
Speed: 83
So, here we are with another Pokemon review. Today we will be reviewing the new (not that new I guess) RU addition Magmortar. Magmortar is a Fire-type Pokemon with a large Sp. Attack stat, and not too much else. It's Attack and Sp. Defense are both above average with 95 and its odd base 83 Speed stat isn't much to talk about. Having said all of this, Magmortar does have a lot of good points. Its movepool includes, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, and of course the very appealing STAB Fire Blast; these just being the highlights of this beast of a Pokemon. I have to confess, the reason why I chose to review Magmortar, is because I had 2 amazing sets that are very useful in this metagame. These 2 sets both do not utilize Magmortar's highest stat to its fullest potential, by not investing in Sp Attack at all. For these movesets, you will have to carefully read each of these words in order to eventually find your way to the right section. (OR you could just scroll down to Cool Movesets and ignore all of this :().


-Special Attacker/Wallbreaker 
-Choice Scarfer
-Unknown 1
-Unknown 2

This review is hopefully turning out to be more organized than the previous. This section is used to explain the common roles of Magmortar. Once again, I will not dwell too long on its common roles, because that's is why they have Smogon.

The top 2 sets both are standard and rely heavily on Magmortar's huge base 125 Sp. Attack stat. The Wallbreaker set focuses on dealing damage huge damage to the opponent. It is generally seen with 4 attacking moves and either Life Orb or Expert Belt, but can also do exceptionally well with a Modest nature with Sub+ 3 Attacks and Leftovers. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Magmortar got a great ability in Gen 5. Vital Spirit. This ability allows Magmortar to come in on opposing Grass-types, like Lilligant and Tangrowth, absorb the sleep and scare them off. Otherwise there isn't much else that is overly important to mention about it.


-Flamethrower/ Fire Blast
-Hidden Power Grass/Water/Rock
-Focus Blast
-Toxic (hehe)
-Mach Punch
-Belly Drum
-Flame Charge
-Cross Chop

Cool Movesets:

Sub Toxic:
-116 HP
-252 Sp. Defense
-140 Speed
-Nature: Calm
-Item : Leftovers

-Toxic/ Will-O-Wisp
-Flamethrower/Lava Plume
-Thunderbolt/ Hidden Power Grass

Ahhh, this is by far my favourite set to use on Magmortar. It is a specially defensive set. In RU, there are a lot of grass types that use Sleep Powder. With Magmortar's ability, Vital Spirit, it can come in on the Grass-type and sub on the switch. If your opponent switches in their Slowking, no problem. You have the free sub, now go for the Toxic and cripple the Slowking. Although, Magmortar isn't the greatest at taking Scalds, it can take a few with this investment. (Only 3-4 hit). Basically, this set works at wearing down the opponents Pokemon with sub and toxic, while still having two strong moves backed by an amazing base 125 Sp. Attack stat.

EVs are ,meant to Maximize Sp. Defense and have enough speed to outspeed Max speed Crawdaunt and Omastar, while also speed creeping those that do too.

The moveset is pretty simple. The best moveset is probably just the first move of every row. Will-O-Wisp is good, but usually you want Toxic to wear down the bulky waters that like to come in. HP Grass can be used, but since there is no investment in Sp. Attack and with HP Grass's low base power, it won't do that much.

This Magmortar excels at being a Special Wall and is very useful against the following Pokemon and also many others similar: Special Fire Types, Grass Types, Bulky Waters, Accelgor (Only 3HKOed by HP Rock), Ferroseed, Cryogonal,  Amoonguss, Moltres (Bar Specs), and Poliwrath.

Best support you can get for this is Wish and Rapid Spin.

Good teamates can be, Pokemon that need the above Pokemon removed in order to sweep. Ex: DD Crawdaunt, SD Kabutops

Belly Drum:
-252 Speed
-252 Attack
-4 SP. Defense
-Nature: Jolly
-Item: Salac Berry

-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch/ Earthquake
-Belly Drum

Though not the most original in the world this set is highly underrated. With the right set-up foughter, this set can sweep through teams.

Plan: Set up a substitute on the switch. If the foe is faster, sub again. If they are slower Belly Drum right away. Next turn, if they are faster, Belly Drum. If they are slower sub. Now you should be at like 1% with a +6 +1 Magmortar. Now if you've eliminated all the opponents priority and scarfers, you should be able to sweep.

This set is highly unexpected and if played right can win games. Although Fire Punch's Base Power is low, it still packs a punch. Being able to take out the most physically defensive Pokemon in the tier is not no small feat.

252 +6 Atk Magmortar Fire Punch vs 252 HP/220 Def Steelix (+Def) : 97.46% - 115.25% (Guaranteed OHKO) After Rocks

As for the toss up between the coverage move, Thunder Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake, and Rock Slide can all be used. Personally, I find Thunder Punch to be the best move because it hits the bulky waters that stand in its way. The other three moves are all worthy mentions, but Cross Chop isn't as good because of its shaky accuracy.


Well, I haven't really refined any rating system, so this one will be similar to the last.

Movepool: 8.8/10
Diversity: 8.8/10
Stats: 8.1/10
Threat Level: 16/20
Usability or Risk in Battle: 12/15
Maneuverability: 10/15
Effectiveness at Filling its Role: 13/15
Amazingness: 5/5

Total: 81.7/100

So, this concludes my review for the infamous Magmortar. Be sure to try out these sets and tell me what you think. Hopefully next review will be even better than this one and they should continue to get better. As always, Comment, Follow, Enjoy and CYA!

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