Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Favourite Pokémon from Kanto

This is a thing that I would like to start where I will list my favourite Pokemon from each Gen. Hopefully this will help me pump out more content for this blog.

Kanto was the original Gen. I must say that I don't remember playing too much of the original games, but I do remember playing the remakes (LeafGreen) and thoroughly enjoying much of the seasons episodes. Anyways, hopefully making these lists of top 10 thingymabobbers will suffice as an efficient method for casual reviews.

10. Dragonite

The original mighty dragon and pseudo-legendary, makes a grand appearance on my list. This fast flying mail deliverer is a very cool Pokemon that I always liked. (Trust me this guy is fast and strong. Its Bulbapedia profile says that it can circle the globe in 16 hours. It can do this and yet its lowest stat is speed. I would hate to imagine what all of its other stats can do. Scary.) Dragonite always came to me as the epic dragon of the series, except that it is usually seen as happy and calm. I’ve actually never used a Dragonite in game, but I do have some experience in competitive and in Pokemon Ranger. (lol Pokemon Ranger) Competitively it is a complete monster with the pseudo-legendary stats, Multiscale, and Dragon Dance. It has an expansive physical movepool and even more expansive special movepool. But, that is all I will say about Dragonite competitively, because this is a favourite review. Anyways, no special moments with Dragonite here. Just an overall liking of the Pokemon.

9. Nidoking:

This Pokemon is just a boss. The design for it is very well for a badass looking Pokemon. Spikes everywhere, a Huge solid body, and being Purple are all qualities to Nidoking being amazing. If you take a look at the Pokemon Sprites for Nidoking they always look pretty damn cool and in the show he looks amazing as well. Nidoking’s Tackle is very strong and cans send even Golem rolling to its demise. Competitively, he is no slouch either. The monstorous Life Orb set crushes through its opponents. With amazing coverage and a great ability in Sheer Force, I find myself often using it as a powerful wallbreaker. Nidoking is great and still better than Nidoqueen. Nidoking, a true master of the art of being cool. :P

8. Lapras:

The majestic plesiosaur makes a graceful appearance on this list. Lapras, the amazing Pokemon awarded to you in Silph Co. I always loved Lapras. I remember seeing it on the show and decided that I wanted to get one. Well, the only way to get one is to use the one from Silph Co. At level 25, it takes a while to train , but is really cool to have. I remember being amazed that it could learn Thunderbolt and Psychic. I remember Ash using this in the anime. It was always cool that he could ride on the Lapras. I always imagined myself riding one myself. I don’t know what else to say, except that Lapras was and is amazing. Thank You.

7. Beedrill:

Probably, the most controversial Pokemon that will be on this list. Beedrill is part of the standard stage 2 bug line of every gen. There was something always really appealing about this Pokemon. Maybe it was when it always attacked people in the show. It was always really funny. Overall, it really isn’t that good at all. In-game it really sucks too. Terrible stats, terrible moves, terrible everything, yet for a bunch of playthroughs I always saw myself using it. I usually got to the Elite 4 and Victory Road, before it really started sucking. Beedrill is literally a bee with drills. What could be cooler or more annoying. J Anyways, Beedrill is just a  cool guy in general and definitely deserves a place on this list.

6. Golem:

Golem is just a rock solid boss. I remember Golem used to actually be my favourite Pokemon. There was just something about the way he looked that really attracted me. He’s basically a spherical rock with a tiny head and miniscule arms and legs. How does he eat? I would imagine it’d be pretty hard with such short hands. No special stories with Golem except that in one of my playthroughs of Platinum, I caught a shiny Geodude. It was pretty cool as a yellow Golem.
The following is a message from Golem: “Have a good day guys! And don’t forget to have fun, have a good life, and don’t quit school. Autobots Roll-Out!”

5. Zapdos:

The first legendary of this list is Zapdos. Yes, I said first. Zapdos is a really cool Pokemon and almost undoubtedly the coolest of the Bird Trio. There is a certain appeal to legendary Pokémon and Zapdos is no exception. Its colour scheme and shape of its wings really reflects the cool aura that it possesses. Once again  I really don’t have too many interesting stories with Zapdos. If you have seen my RMT video, you would see it is one of the Pokémon on the team. I think I mentioned it not being the most useful. Well, I was wrong. In the recent few games I’ve been playing, it’s been an immense threat to opposing teams. It has a strong type coverage and is very powerful with the Life Orb T-Bolts. It is just overall a huge ass threat to the opponent. Anyways, Zapdos, like many of my other choices was chosen for its coolness in art and overall coolness in general.

4. Blastoise:

The first starter of this list is Blastoise. Once again, I said first. Blastoise is the water-turtle Pokémon is really cool all around. It has 2 Humungous Cannons on its back and if that wasn’t enough it can go into its shell and Rapid Spin at you. (which is pretty powerful in the show and probably would be in real life. ) The giant turtle is great and  a favourite by many other people. The competition between the favourite starter is lost here, because another starter will reign supreme. Having said that, Blastoise has a pretty special place in all of our hearts, as the arguably second favourite starter for anyone. Though, my love for it is falling, because recently I’ve been seeing it in UU too much. It’s just really annoying even though clearly it’s not that good. Well, that’s about it for Blastoise. No cool Closing remarks.

3. Mewtwo:

Mewtwo: “The human sacrificed himself, to save the Pokemon. I pitted them against each other, but not until they set aside their differences did I see the true power they all share deep inside. I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

The genetic Pokémon himself, makes an appearance on this list. The artificially created clone of Mew. It was supposed to be the most powerful Pokémon in the world. (Personally I think it is, bar Arceus) It was definitely the strongest Pokémon of Gen 1 and continues to be a powerhouse in the show (not really) and in the competitive scene (oh yeah) Mewtwo is like the Genetic King of philosophy in Pokémon. In the movies, he acts like the philosopher and wise man, commenting harshly of the greedy and power hungry human race. Mewtwo himself is not really a bad guy, but the way humans have treated him have caused his violence in character. He has many awesome quotes in the movies and they will always be remembered. Oh Yeah. HE can talk. One of the few Pokémon that can actually talk. This factor of being able to talk further differentiates Mewtw o from other Pokémon and even makes it more badass.  Anyways, this is my 3rd favourite Kanto Pokémon: Mewtwo. Now kids don’t forget, “Your Charizard is poorly trained.” Mewtwo

2. Charizard:

Ahhh, the salvation. Being a fan of Pokémon, I can’t help but ignore the awesomeness of Charizard. The second starter in this list is Charizard. (does that mean that Venasaur is the number one on this list? You’ll have to find out yourselves) Many fans will agree that Charizard is the coolest of all the Pokémon. Even those who don’t really know Pokémon have little to no trouble identifying love for it. It is like a Pikachu, but better. (seriously, too much love is given to Pikachu.) Anyways there isn’t really much to say about Charizard that you can’t find on some fanboy’s website or forum post. Just remember to bask in the glory of the Flaming-Dragon or you might get toasted.

1. Weezing:

And, my number one favourite Kanto Pokémon is Weezing. This poison, smoke Pokémon trumps all other 150 Pokémon from the 1st gen. As you might have noticed, 3 out of the 10 Pokémon on this list are at least part Poison-Type. Weezing was one of the Pokémon from James in the anime, who is one of my favourite characters, until he unselfishly released it to help protect the suffering Koffing. This was a very emotional part of the series and I really enjoyed the fact that it was included. Weezing just has a certain coolness to it. Maybe it’s because of its 2 heads. Maybe because it is purple. Honestly, I can’t tell you why. Weezing is just awesome.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this list. Don’t forget to comment and talk about your guys’ favourite Kanto Pokémon. As always, Follow , Comment, Enjoy, and CYA!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Quote #23

Nothing new here...Anyways, new review thingy thing tomorrow.

Quote: "Swim in the fire, but do not burn in the water"


Monday, May 27, 2013

Daily Quote Thing #22

Back again today. I was actually pretty busy today, so that means no review today. Anyways, I've really been getting into Blassreiter. It's a mecha anime, but it involves much more than that. The story and plot are great and the action scenes are pretty cool as well. It's official, my next anime review will be Blassreiter. Also, I recently saw the Attack on Titan OP. It's pretty amazing. I must say, it's amazing that it can work for almost any show. My favourites are the Attack on Evangelion and Attack on Mewtwo. Maybe I should get into the show. Anyways, hope you guys have a good night!

Quote: "Endure the pain and suffering and good things will come. Or so they say..."

C. Tung 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

RMT Thingy Number 1: Rocking Shark

RMT Thingy #1: Cool Team
Well, once again I’m going to try and introduce a new segment to this blog. If you know anything about Smogon and visit the Forums, you probably know that the RMT Section is probably the most popular, if not 2nd or 3rd. I decided that instead of reviewing a Pokémon this time (mostly because I couldn’t think of a good Pokémon) I would do a semi-RMT (Rate My Team). Be sure to leave your suggestions for this team and also be sure to comment if you like this kind of stuff. On to the team:

Usually when building a team in any tier, I like to have at least one Pokémon with an uncommon or unique moveset. I am a casual battler and hence am not too concerned about being the very best. Recently, I wanted to try and get better at the game and so I made this team. It is basically a bunch of standard things that work pretty well together. I’m sure that it isn’t the greatest team in the world and it probably has a lot of flaws, but it is honestly one of the best teams I’ve ever made.
I decided to make a UU team, because I  was looking through the other 3 tiers that I can actually play in, OU, RU, NU, and didn’t feel like there were any fun teams to make. So, I remember reading Underused Battling 101 in The Smog #25 (which by the way is a great web-zine to read for entertaining and helpful info on battling and Pokémon in general. and seeing the threatening Pokémon in the tier. A suggestion near the bottom of the page for Offensive Cores was Snorlax/Cofagrigus. It said to use Offensive Trick Room Cofagrigus and Choice Band Snorlax.  Me, being the more defensive oriented player, even on offensive teams, opted for the same Cofagrigus, but I decided to switch the CB Snorlax for a more defensive CurseLax.

I started with the previously mentioned core.

I decided that I would take an offensive approach to this team, so I added a spiker/toxic spiker in Roserade.
Next, I needed a Fighting-type, I decided on Machamp for no other reason than me liking it. I also decided to make it my team’s scarfer.
My team lacked stealth rocks and I needed something to deal with the powerful Fire-types in the tier. An offensive version of Swampert was perfect for this.
Finally, I needed a powerful sweeper that could easily sweep through a weakened. At first, I wanted to have Kingdra, but in the end I decided on Sharpedo. This was actually the first time that I ever used it and boy did I discover why it is such a threat in UU.
After some play testing, I found that the whole scarf-Machamp thing, wasn’t really working, so I found Mienshao as a replacement.
I wasn’t having any luck with Mienshao and so decided to change it to a MoxieCross. Also, the team was having tons of problems with Milotic and other bulky-waters, even with Offensive Roserade. Since Roserade can usually get 2-3 layers of assorted Spikes, I decided to remove Swampert and replace it with the powerful Electric Bird Zapdos.
Once again the team was changed. The Roserade wasn’t really that good as a semi-dedicated lead , so I changed it to Froslass.
Froslass kinda wasn’t that good. In fact out of the 7 or 8 games I playtested, 4 of the games the opponent lead with a Chandelure. This, added to the fact that Froslass wasn’t really working in any of the other games except one, prompted me to make a change.  Crustle was added to the team to provide the much needed SR support. I haven’t looked back since…

BoO (Cofagrigus)
EV:       252 HP                         IVs:      2 Attack, Speed
252 Sp. Attack                         30 Defense, Sp. Defense/Attack        
4 Defense
Nature: Quiet
Item: Leftovers

Moves: -Trick Room
             -Nasty Plot
             -Hidden Power (Fighting)
             -Shadow Ball

Nothing special about this Pokémon. It’s basically just a standard Trick Room Cofagrigus. Usually it is used up in the early-mid game. Basically, I come in on a Fighting-Type and resist the hit. Next they switch out to a wall/tank usually and I set up on it with the Trick Room. Then depending on the wall/tank, I set up one Nasty and attack 3 times or sometimes if the opponent cannot 3HKO me, I will stall out the turns and set up to +6 and reset the Trick Room for 4 turns of pain. If the latter is allowed, at least 2-4 Pokémon are usually eliminated. This Cofagrigus is usually gone by the late-game and thus this team has a hard time dealing with Fighting-Types in the late-game. At this point, the name of the game is sac-and-Cross or sac-and-Shark. Heracross and Sharpedo are the only things that can come in and take out the threat.

CrossMan: Heracross

Evs: -252 Attack
        -252 Speed
        -4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Item: Choice Scarf
Moves: -Close Combat
            -Stone Edge
            -Sleep Talk

Once again, nothing special. Standard Scarf Heracross. Jolly is used to attempt a sweep. Dual-STAB moves is obvious and necessary. Stone Edge for a solid (hehe) coverage move and finally Sleep Talk, for sleep absorber. Generally speaking, this thing has really lived up to its reputation on this team. Out 20-30 games, I don’t even think I’ve swept once with this thing. The most kills would be 2 or3, but those were basically just revenge-kills. I may consider switching this to another Fighting-Type, but for now it does its job well enough.

Blonz: Snorlax

EVs: -144 HP
        -188 Def
        -176 Sp. Defense
Nature: Careful
Item: Leftovers
Moves: -Body Slam

The second half of the offensive core and yet another underachiever. Don’t get me wrong, this this is definitely useful. It just hasn’t really done what it’s supposed to. Usually whenever the opponent sees this, they automatically switch into something with Toxic. This thing has really just been a special wall for me. I’ve never really used Curse too much. The EV’s are Standard and on Smogon. They allow Snorlax to survive a plethora of combination of attacks. (Check out Classic CurseLax)
Crunch over Earthquake, because of the Ghost-Types that like to come in on this. The rest are standard. Get it, the Rest. Anyways, that’s about it for this thing, nothing really special to note, except that a specially defensive one may be a change that I may test out in the future.

CoolMAN: Crustle

EVs: 252 Attack
        252 Speed
        4 Def
Nature: Adamant
Item: Custap Bery
                -Rock Blast
                -Stealth Rock

This Pokémon is awesome. I put this thing on the team because I really felt that I needed Stealth Rock support, but knew that my team really appreciated the Spikes support as well. Max Attack and Max Speed give it Max effectiveness. It usually very useful solely because, people don’t expect it to do much. I don’t know what people expect it to do. On turn 1, usually I set up SR, but if the opponent is something that Crustle can hit for big damage, I might go for the attack. Crustle is particularly good against lead Zoarark. It sets up the SR, and then surprises the Dark fiend with an X-Scissor to the throat, that OHKOes bar Focus Sash. This Pokémon is just good. Adamant base 95 Attack is powerful enough to hurt everything. Rock Blast 3KOs a few notable Pokémon, including Chandelure. Crustle!!!

Spike: Zapdos

EVs: 252 Sp. Attack
        252 Speed
        4 Sp Defense
Nature: Timid
Item: Life Orb
Moves: -Thunderbolt
                -Heat Wave
                -Hidden Power Ice

Once again a standard set. Honestly, Zapdos usually doesn’t do too much. Even with all the praise for this set, I haven’t really found too much of a use for it. The main draw of this set is that this team desperately needs something to take on bulky waters. This little feat however, should not be overlooked. The main sweeper of this team, Sharpedo, needs the bulky-waters to be weakened and better: dead, in order to sweep. The other important speed sweeper is Heracross, which even after 1-2 boosts has a hard time OHKOing waters at full HP. The lesson to be learned: All teams that win by offense (anything but stall) need a way to take care of bulky-waters.

GoSharks: Sharpedo

EVs: 252 Attack
        252 Speed
        4  HP
Nature: Naughty/Jolly
Item: Life Orb
Moves: -Waterfall
                -Ice Beam/Earthquake

The whole reason I made this team was to test out Sharpedo for the first time. The combo of speed boost and a base 120 Attack is a deadly combo. Its Dual-Stab has very good coverage and the third slot can fill up the wholes. The debate between Ice Beam and Earthquake is all up to personal preference. Generally, I prefer Ice Beam, solely for Flygon. So many times, Flygon takes 80-90% and stops my sweep and sometimes ends the game. With no steel types, Banded/Scarfed Flygon’s Outrage is a huge ass threat. Otherwise, usually Earthquake is preferred. This set is very good at sweeping and is usually my late cleaner. The biggest con about this Pokémon is the fact that all it can do is sweep. This makes it so sometimes it feels like right off the bat I’m down 5 to 6, because Sharpedo can’t do much early-game.


This team is definitely a work in progress and I would accept any criticism for it is clearly not finished. Anyways, feel free to use this team, as long as I get some credit. Hope to make more RMTs and also, I may make some updates in the future. Follow, Comment, Enjoy, and CYA!