Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Recommendation System

To make it easier to decide on animes to watch and those not to watch, I have created a ranking system for recommendations. Below is how it will all role out, starting out with those not to watch.

This ranking is basically self-explanatory. Never watch this anime. This is absolutely terrible; I almost died watching it, because it was so bad.
I don't expect myself ever giving this rating, because usually I just drop these types of anime, but anything is possible.

This type of show might have a few, a few positive aspects to it, but it has too many flaws to be even remotely watchable. This rank is reserved to those shows that have many flaws. This flaws have to be big and annoying to those watching it. Once again, I probably won't be giving this rating out too much, but I might give it to "Level E" if I ever end up watching that and then reviewing it, just as a lolz thing, though who knows, it actually deserve the ranking.

This ranking  belongs to a show that has some flaws. This show probably isn't too good. What differentiates this from E and F is that the show will not have too many major flaws. It will overall just seem as an anime that has everything below average.

This type of show has some flaws and some high points. They usually balance out 1 for 1, with their usually being still more flaws. Other anime that could fall in this category are those that are not for everyone. Though I haven't yet watched any of these yet, I here that Casshern Sins is one of these.

An average anime that is watchable, but anyone who watches it shouldn't expect too much. This is the basic average for an anime. This anime should be enjoyed by most people, but there are probably many anime that can be enjoyed over this.

A definite above average anime. One again anime that should be enjoyed by most people. It's plus's outweigh its flaws and its definitely a good watch. Not a must watch but can be surprisingly good.

A great anime that will be enjoyed by most people. It's a very good anime that shouldn't be overlooked and is almost a must watch. It is a must watch, except it may not be as universal as it could be. This means that there are some people who won't watch this show because it is too heavy in one type of genre and it doesn't have that specific person's. Otherwise a very strong anime that should be watched.

An amazing anime that can be enjoyed by anime. It may appeal to fans of multiple different genres or it may just be really good to which everyone can enjoy. This is a rating that is definitely reserved for the best and any anime that gets this rating is a must watch.

An anime that is better than its assigned letter, but doesn't achieve the next level. Also anime that provide a surprise factor in that they exceed expectations may receive a plus. Another instance is when the anime can be enjoyed by almost everyone. This will only be used as a criteria in lower ranks. (B-->)

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An anime that is worse than its ranking. It achieves many aspects from the higher ranking, but also has some from the lower one. It can also help to depict an anime that doesn't appeal to a large crowd of people. An anime with notable flaws can also obtain this ranking, if it also has some good upsides.

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