Sunday, June 9, 2013

Daily Quote Thing #27

Well I'm back after a busy weekend. I have a test/presentation (or both) in each of my classes on Monday, so I had to study for those, plus I had like 2 other projects for Monday. Anyways, next week is a busy week, so don't expect anything big until after exams. Basically the next 2 weeks won't see much content, but after that is when I am out of school for the summer, so that's gonna be nice.

Anyways, if I didn't express my strong recommendation for Blassreiter, then I will right now. You guys should watch it, it is really underrated and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, I was able to watch Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. It was a solid movie, but did not surpass its predecessor in 2.0. It was a much slower pace and but was still strong with a lot of action and well thought out scenes and music. The music and animation are amazing and it is a definite watch for anyone who even remotely likes movies. Looking forward to 4.0, Finale.

Finally, I finished reading Evangelion Re-Take. It was amazing and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original series and any of the movies. I'm not going to talk too much about it, because now that I think of, I should make a review of this Manga. IT is a must read for EVA fans.

Quote: "Remember and Cherish your memories, but do not let them interfere with your 24-hour Day."

C. Tung

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