Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quote ThingY #33

Hmmm... It's been a while since I've done one of these. The honest truth is that I don't really have much to talk about. As in, I can't think of a quote daily, without it being some weird cheesy quote. I feel that my time would be better spent writing reviews. Also, it's pretty obvious that anime is the main attraction, so most of my reviews will be anime. Also the next anime to be reviewed will be Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime)
Have a great Thursday!

Quote: "All we can do for the dead is remember them and cry for the loss when their gone."

Keisei Tagami (Corpse Princess) (2008)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Anime Review: Shuffle!

Yes! I loved Shuffle! It was great! It is not your average highschool harem! How are you liking these exclamation marks?!

Genre: Romance, Harem, Comedy, School, Supernatural/Magic

Based in a world where the doors to the World of the Demons and Gods have been opened, our main character Tsuchimi Rin seems to be a regular highschool boy living a regular highschool life. Wait! Demons, Gods, regular highschool life! Yeah, not really. He lives with his old childhood friend Kaede. One day, out of the blue, Scia, the daughter of the King of Gods and Nerine, the daughter of the King of Demons, appear in the human world and are truly in love with Mr. Rin. To make things worse (or better), he has a friendly and playful friendship with another student Asa, and another encounter with a rather silent and mysterious girl, Primula. All five girls seem to be in love with him and it is his job to balance the emotions of the girls.

Story and Plot:

Now, I didn't put "slice of life" as a genre for the sole reason, that it is not a genre stated on Having said this, excluding the slight supernatural aspects of the show, which I must say play a pretty important role in the overall plot, it is really a "slice of life" anime that deals with the difficulties of highschool love-life. Secondly, the description on "myanimelist" also states that this show is an ecchi. I'll be the first to say that it really isn't an ecchi. There is some mild nudity, but this is usually just uncensored and has nothing to do with pleasing the fans. In fact, I think only one scene has mild nudity to be specifically fanservice and it is a really short scene! My point in saying this is that hopefully the ecchi genre of this show doesn't discourage anyone from watching this great show. Also, I am not knocking "myanimelist's" genre choices, I am simply stating my opinion of the show's genres. Anyways, the show does have a pretty basic, but well executed premise as a highschool, harem, slice of life type of show.
Score: 3.7/5

The first few episodes focus on each of the 4 (technically 5) girls that like Rin. Each of the girls gets their own episode explaining how they met Rin and why they like him. These episodes are mostly humorous while still being good at explaining that girls' situations. The next episodes introduce some problems with having 4 (or 5) girls in love with you at the same time. This is when the dramatic aspect of the show starts kicking in and this is what might separate it from other highschool comedies. The dramatic appeal of this show continues to develop through smaller character arcs, while the biggest arc begins to reveal itself all throughout these small arcs. The pacing wasn't bad at all, as the episodes were mainly spread into character arcs. There were some good character arcs and it was a pretty well executed plot.
Overall: Well paced, Well developed, Well dressed.
Score: 13/15

Sound and Animation:

Having recently relistened to some of the OST on YouTube, I actually think that Shuffle! has a pretty good OST. The songs are big and lively during the comedic moments and slow and beautiful during the sad ones. Really not too much to say here once again. The opening was very enjoyable and I think it was very well done. The ending was good for the show, I suppose, but didn't really fit my tastes.
Overall: Just another good and fitting soundtrack for a show.
Score: 7.5+0.4 (great opening) =7.9/10

This show is pretty well animated. The colour scheming is varied, though not at the level of extreme colour quality. The animation is well done for a 2005-06 anime, with only some parts being slightly less appealing. The frame/rate of the show is also pretty fluent, but sometimes the design of some more minor details can be depicted poorly. The range of the camera and the scaling also should some problems.
Overall: Solid animation with some minor flaws.
Score: 7.2/10

When it comes down to it, most good shows have good characters. This show, though brings out many anime stereotypes, achieves this goal. Honestly, I think that the least developed out of the main cast is the protagonist, Rin. He doesn't really get too much development on his backstory, he just develops as a person through the story. All the girls get their stories explained and they also develop throughout the story, with one of the girls getting better development than the others. To be quite frank, the character that I feel develops the most is Primula. After her arc, she changes into a completely different person, and you can really see the changes that she has made as a result of her love for Rin. The other girls are also well explained, with each of them getting their own unique twist and problem. The greatest news out of all of this is that in the end Rin ends up with one of the girls and it becomes a somewhat conclusive ending with few questions to be asked. Whether or not there should have been an "After Story" for this show is all a matter of opinion.
Favourite Girl: Asa
Second Favourite Girl: Scia
Least Favourite Girl: Kaede (man this girl is craaaaazzzzzy!!!)
Overall: Some anime stereotypes, with great character development and likable characters.
Score: 18.3/20

I freakin loved this show. I liked all the characters and I felt this show did a really good job with its fanservice. It didn't really have too much fanservice, so the fanservice it had, though not very well placed, was definitely excusable and fun to watch. The characters were obviously great and well developed and the atmosphere did a good job of changing with the mood of the show. (whether it be drama or comedy arcs) I developed a connection with the characters and really felt their pain and enjoyment. One thing I didn't really enjoy was the lack of possible censoring. The show has many opportunities to block out explicit content of naked girls with background objects, but is doesn't. I suppose that this was to make it a more real and touching experience, but I felt that they should have been censored/blocked in order to allow more people to watch it. Though, it the shows defense it is a Seinen-esque show, so it should only be the older crowd watching it. Anyways, there isn't too much to fault here.
Overall: Great Romantic-Comedy-Slice of Life, that can be enjoyed by almost any fan of these series.
Score: 27.3/30

The ending was definitely in my opinion exaggerated. It definitely didn't have to be that emotional. And I also didn't understand why it was the wrist and not anywhere else. Having said this, the ending is really good if you can overlook the exaggeration and very emotional and satisfying. The greatest part is that he ends up with one of the girls in the end.
Overall: Besides the slight exaggeration, a very strong, emotional, and conclusive ending.
Score: 8.5/10

Total: 85.9/100

Definitely a strong and well executed anime. I suggest this to anyone who doesn't mind mild nudity and likes these comedic-romance-slice of life shows. It is a great ride of emotions and the only things I could have wished for would be an "After Story-esque" sequel, better animation, and a second opening.
Thanks for reading this, somewhat short review actually. As always I hope you enjoyed it and Like, Comment, Follow, And CYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Daily Quote Thingy #32

Well, let's just say I was busy all weekend (bar Sunday). I will also be busy studying on Sunday, for my exam Monday. The good news is that I have Tuesday and Wednesday completely off and will probably post anime reviews. (I'll guarantee at least one) Anyways, I recently made a really cool team on Showdown (Pokemon), so an RMT may be coming out soon.

Quote: "The day is white."

C. Tung

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Anime Review: Highschool of the Dead

Well, today, we have a review of the hit anime, Highschool of the Dead. I must say that before going into this anime, I wasn't aware that it was going to be an ecchi, or a somewhat-ecchi. This was actually the first ecchi that I had ever watched and personally I say that the show itself was pretty good. The ecchi part was probably good for ecchi fans, but personally some of the scenes interfered with the goings of the show.

Story and Plot:


Zombie apocalypse. Enough Said.
Basically, one day there is a massive outbreak of a disease that makes people turn into zombies upon death. The stories follows a group of students trying to survive the zombie apocalypse.
Score: 3.6/5


This show actually has a pretty strong plot. Though, it is basically escaping the zombie hordes, I found it to be managed and well paced. It is definitely not anything special, but it is good enough to support the show. Honestly, the plot doesn't really have to be too developed. IT's a zombie apocalypse, the plot should just be running away from the zombies and surviving.
This show however, does present a few notable flaws keeping it from being a great series.
The first and most glaring flaw is the introduction of the ecchi concept. Personally, I wasn't expecting it to have that degree of ecchi, but it ended up going all out. There are a lot of shows these days that have a ton of fanservice. In HOTD, some of the fanservice is completely unneccessary. One prime example is when the gang finds a suitable house to hide out in for a while. The girls take a bath together and the camera shifts into the bathroom. We proceed to see basically all the oversized breasts and vulnerable poses in the world. The show takes a huge shift from zombie apocalypse to ecchi mania. I felt like, HOTD could have had a lot of success without having to introduce such themes of ecchi into the mix. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate fanservice. I actually like fanservice in an anime; I feel like the industry has shifted in a way that fanservice is a must in almost any anime. And honestly, I don't mind it. It's just that in this series the fanservice blocked out the plot and awsome characters from shining through. (Though I can't help but think that without all the exagerrated fanservice, it wouldn't be as popular as it is now.)
Another flaw, is the length. The show is only 12 episodes (plus a OVA episode that is solely meant for fanservice and is in no way related to anything in the plot. I felt it was okay, for a 15 minute special.) The story surprisingly brought some interesting characters to the mix. Some characters were somewhat well developed for the time they had, but others like Rei were completely ignored. I am glad that a season 2 for the show has been confirmed (I think) for this fall or early next year. It was a fun ride and definitely needs a sequel to patch up some holes.
Overall: A fun, interesting adventure with too much ecchi and fanservice for my liking.
Score: 10.5/15

Sound and Animation


What can I say. Another fantastic job by Madhouse Studios.The animation quality is really good and might explain this shows immense popularity. (Currently 19th in popularity on This show is just really well animated and I guess it had to be, for all the fanservice they put in. I might have not enjoyed the big boobs and repeated panty shots to their fullest potential, but they were definitely a sight to behold. As mentioned before, Madhouse Studios is great at animation and has been good for a while. If complaints of character design can go here, I would say that the boob size was definitely too big for comfort. I meam, Shizuka's boobs are litreally the size of small bowling balls. And the other characters don't fare much better either with their exagerrated looks. One thing I do appreciate is the lack of a character with a completely flatt chest. It is one of the things that kind of annoys me when watching anime. Having a flat chest, so flat that it is in line with your stomach is just weird. It is way unatural. I'm not trying to be mean at all, but the way the industry portrays this problem is way too crazy. Literally being able a flat chest, as in 100% flat. Likewise, breasts that are severely overdone and put out of proportion, annoy me too. Once again they bring a sort of unnatural order to the world. But, I guess anime isn't that natural to begin with. Rant aside, this was a very clean and sharply animated anime.
Overall: Very well animated by Madhouse Studios. With great animation combined with the jiggling boobs, ravaging panty shots, and hot-ass anime girls in the show, it is no wonder why this show is so popular.
Score: 9.3/10


What do you know, we have arrived at that point of the reveiw again. Sound. Once again, if you didn't already know, this department is most definitely my weakest out of the bunch. Anyways, having said that, I don't think there is much to say about the shows music and sound. I found the voice acting to be good for all the characters. Also the opening and ending tracks were to my liking. I didn't notice any standout insert songs, but I felt that most of it was just exciting and suspense songs.
Overall: A decent soundtrack that fits the show.
Score: 7(average), 0.6 (because I liked the opening and closing), 7+0.6= 7.6/10


This show's characters are good. They aren't just a bunch of anime stereotypes. They're a unique combo a very cool characters, though I do think they were way way way way way too underdeveloped. Saeko seems to be your standard strong female character, but she really isn't. She is surprisingly kind (not really I guess, the strong female is kind) and also surprisingly light-hearted. She cracks a bunch of jokes and also likes to poke fun at Takashi. If these weren't enough, she also has a past that makes her an even more dynamic and interesting character. Next there is the "male leader" character that we all know and love, Takashi. I really liked his character and he was very well voiced as well. He also was more carefree than your average stereotype. Often enjoying the thought of being trapped with essentially 3 (+Ms. Shizuka, I guess) lovely girls in the zombie apocalypse. He is also very resourceful, once using Rei's boobs to balance an AK-47. Personally, I like the idea of Takashi and Saeko as a couple, but that's just me. I'm not sure if they actually get together, because I've never read the manga, but one can hope. Next on the list is Takagi. She actually also has her story explained pretty well. She is a pretty average tsundere-esque character. There is nothing too special that I can think of for her. I just like her as a character, because I love tsundere characters. (especially tsundere's without a literal flat, flat chest) Moving on. Next we have, Rei. She's just the fighter-girl type. Honestly, I think I should like her, but so far I really don't. She is way underdeveloped for what she should have, and is really just there, most of the time. Hopefully, she gets better developed in the next season. Finally, there is Kouta. He is the otaku-nerd of the series that specializes in guns. He has weird family relations, that are almost not believable, but still make sense in the making of his character. He provides a lot of comic relief and is a overall pretty strong character. The show has a few supporting characters, but I do not wish to discuss all the characters, just know that I don't really like Ms. Shizuka or Shidou. Freakin Shidou is terrible. I loved the characters, they were just not developed enough to be amazing.
Character Designs: I personally also like the character designs. Different couloured hair for all the girls is always a plus and kind of a must. Obviously the boobs are there. And overall just a solid animation for all the girls. Just Good.
Favourite Female Character: Saeko
Favourite Male Character: Kouta
Least Favourite Character: Shidou (seriously this man is the worst)
Overall: A lot of potential for the characters, but so far only some of them are interesting and developed. Albeit pretty interesting. Needed more episodes for characters to be properly developed, looking forward to  season 2.
Score: 17.7/20 (for the developed characters), -3/20 (lack of character development), 17.7-3=14.7/20


This show was definitely highly entertaining. It produced a good story, with great animation, decent sound, and some pretty great characters. It is a combination of action, romance/harem, comedy, and ecchi. The show's action scene's are very well animated and the show always has a light feel to it, despite the omnipresent zombie apocalypse. It was just a solid journey throughout the 12 episode series.
The only flaw here, is once again the always present theme of ecchi. Though, the overuse of fanservice itself is not bad(honestly, great animation on these shots), its when and how they it is introduced. Randomly inserting scenes of fanservice for no absolute reason in the middle of the plot is not what I call a fluent plot. I feel like this show could have achieved a lot more if it took the accent off the fanservice and girls and focused more on the characters or plot. This show truly has characters and these characters are overlooked because of their boobs.
Overall: Just watch the show, it is very entertaining. Warning contains ecchi that may distract you from the plot, characters, and the action
Score: 26.6/30


This show doesn't actually end in the 12 episodes. I will give the show credit as it doesn't end on a complete cliffhanger, which is good. Anyways, I'm not going to give a review here. Thank goodness there is a second season for this. Hopefully it will be as good as this one.

Story: 3.6/5
Plot: 10.5/15
Animation: 9.3/10
Sound: 7.6/10
Characters: 14.7/20
Enjoyment: 26.6/30
Total: 72.3/90-----80.66/100


Great series that I recommend to anyone who doesn't mind the ecchi. I probably won't be watching too many ecchis to come, but season 2 is definitely on that short list.

-Great Characters that aren't just anime stereotypes.
-Very entertaining action and comedy!
-Very well animated!

*Little or no development for some characters.
*Short series with an inconclusive ending.
*Ecchi somewhat overtakes the actual story and plot.

Once again, just watch it!

Hopefully you guys liked this review! Be sure to leave some comments about this series and don't forget to Like, Comment, Follow, and CYA!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Daily Quote Thingy #31

Nothing much except there are exams starting tomorrow. It's almost summer. Yes!

Quote: "You're the accounting teacher, you should be held accountable for your students actions!"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daily Quote Thingy #30

Well, another day, another sickness. I've been feeling still pretty sick with a cold and exams are this week so...That is basically why there hasn't been much lately. Anyways, exams are over soon, so yay.

Quote: "No matter how cold and distant people may 

become, on the inside something warm and precious always 

remains, something that never changes. To me, that’s what 

family is like."

Sakagami Tomoyo (Clannad)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daily Quote Thingy #29

Well, I was sick for the past 2 days, so I didn't really post anything. I just wasn't in the mood. The good news is that I was able to finish HOTD, and a review may come out soon. I mean, right now with exams and such, time is kinda short, but I have some time now, so I'll start working on it. Anyways, that's about it for today.

Quote: "Gold is only good, if you have a buyer."

C. Tung

Monday, June 10, 2013

Daily Quote #28

Not much to post today, except that the next anime review will be of the hit anime HOTD, Highschool of The Dead, which was also made by the same studio, Madhouse, as Claymore.
Anyways, I can't think of a quote for today, so I made a poem.


I sit here thinking throughout the day,
Outside freely pass by, do the cars,
I sit here thinking of my dismay,
Alone am I trapped, behind these bars.

I sit here thinking of my passé,
My people travel, beyond, past Mars,
I sit here thinking of my decay,

Keep hope, The lights in the sky are stars.

C. Tung

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Daily Quote Thing #27

Well I'm back after a busy weekend. I have a test/presentation (or both) in each of my classes on Monday, so I had to study for those, plus I had like 2 other projects for Monday. Anyways, next week is a busy week, so don't expect anything big until after exams. Basically the next 2 weeks won't see much content, but after that is when I am out of school for the summer, so that's gonna be nice.

Anyways, if I didn't express my strong recommendation for Blassreiter, then I will right now. You guys should watch it, it is really underrated and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, I was able to watch Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. It was a solid movie, but did not surpass its predecessor in 2.0. It was a much slower pace and but was still strong with a lot of action and well thought out scenes and music. The music and animation are amazing and it is a definite watch for anyone who even remotely likes movies. Looking forward to 4.0, Finale.

Finally, I finished reading Evangelion Re-Take. It was amazing and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original series and any of the movies. I'm not going to talk too much about it, because now that I think of, I should make a review of this Manga. IT is a must read for EVA fans.

Quote: "Remember and Cherish your memories, but do not let them interfere with your 24-hour Day."

C. Tung

Friday, June 7, 2013

Anime Review: Blassreiter

Welcome to another fabulous anime review. Today, I will be reviewing the fast-paced motorcycle anime Blassreiter.

Story and Plot:
The basic story behind this is that there a supernatural beings, known as Demoniacs, who randomly  appear, and seem to transform from humans, and terrorize the city. The show is placed in a somewhat modern (early 21st) version of Germany. The Demoniacs are superhuman and have claws/weapons and the ability to fuse and take control of technological entities. (cars, motorcycles, hacking computers)The  Xenogenesis Assault Team or XAT, is an agency that  stops and controls Demoniacs from terrorizing the city. Who are the Demoniacs? Where did they come from? Why are they attacking? Find out on the next exciting episode of............................Just watch the show.

Score:  4.4/5

This shows plot is a mixed bag. It has a few questionable flaws and its pros are not amazing, but they are still good. A big flaw is the lack of a concrete lead/main character. It's true that Amanda could be considered the lead, but what about Joseph or Hermann. This loss of a main character is especially true when the whole story is very centralized around Gerd in the beginning and the other 3, bar maybe Hermann, are not even introduced or look to be supporting characters. Advancing into the teen (10+) episodes we can start to see that these 3 characters are much more like main characters. Aside from the main character issue, I found the plot to also possess too many coincidences. Too many times, character X happens to know a relative of character S and they end up helping each other. Actually, scratch the coincidence part and specify it with "Character Coincidence". The show has a lot of these. The characters are somehow linked to each other by family and friends. Too coincidental. This wasn't too big of a deal, but it was somewhat irritating. Finally, the last flaw notable flaw is that the show did not have a solid plot. We were not aware of who was the main character and who was the "Main Bad Guy".  There are a couple possible "bad guys, but you can't really tell who was the main one. Also, I'm still kind of confused of their main goals and I feel that their histories were not looked at in deep enough. The plot is just basically just looking at the lives of some characters and then some random events happen to move it forward.
As for positives in the plot, this show does have too  much. The overall pace of the show is fast and with some stops along the way. The biggest positive here is that the show does a great job at keeping the aspect of mystery for much of the show. The characters are presented very well and their stories are kept a secret for a while. The show also introduces a couple few plot twists including a large one in the middle of the series to keep the audience watching.
Score: 10.6/15
Overall: Lots of confusion going around here, with few, but smart plot twists. Probably the worst thing  about the series.

Sound and Animation:
Once again not my strongest point. I felt like this series didn't have anything extraordinary. The battle music was good. Also, during the many sad and depressing scenes within the show, the music is pretty good. I also particularly liked both openings especially "Unripe Hero". I didn't really like the first closing/ending song too much, but I definitely liked the second one. A complaint here, is that they don't really change the second ending at all. I would have liked to see another ending that was different. The pictures want to remind us of the events that have happened, but I feel like seeing the same thing too many times and not replacing the pictures with newer scenes was a flaw. Another strong song is D.D by Itou Kanako. It is very catchy and keeps the mood of the scene when it used.
Score: 8.5/10

Overall: Suitable music and sound for the sad and action scenes, with a few notable performances.
I really liked the visuals of the series. The 3-D animation is very well utilized and the action scenes are very well presented. Also, another strong aspect is surprisingly the amount of blood. This series is honestly more of a psychological/character type of series. The action is definitely an important part of the series, but when comes down to it, it is the characters that really attract us.  Otherwise, I don't really have much to say about.
Score: 8.5/10
Overall: Solid animation, and a nice feel with the dark atmosphere.

This is where the show really excels. The character are very well developed with a wide range of different and interesting characters. The characters are definitely what make this series great. From the 3 main characters, Amanda, Joseph, and Hermann, to any other of the supporting cast, they are all well explained and developed. My only complaint for character development would be a lack of development for both Al and Wolf. The characters all bear hardships in their past and are now all together to face this new and growing problem. When we look past the action, we are left with the strong and emotionally wrecked characters. Many or even all of the characters are either emotionally wrecked or psycho/power mad. They all have pasts that have brought them to where they are now and there are a few surprising character stories in the mix too. A particularly touching story, is that of Shido, and how/why he came to become a Knight for Zwölf. It is intriguing and very sad. Honestly, it is really hard to speak of the characters without spoiling a big point in the show that makes the characters so strong. Knowing this, I'll will not delve too much further into the emotional or psychological developments in the show, but I will hint that in some ways it is like a small scale version of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The beginning is much of a mystery, with no one really knowing what's going on. While, the characters aren't as developed as in Evangelion (which btw, I just finished watching Eva 3.0 today and I really liked a lot of it, but found a few not major, but big flaws in it. Overall: about 7.5-9.5 out of 10. Definitely will be making a review of this movie, but only after I have reviewed everything before this; which might take a while.), there are more characters than in Eva. Also, the mecha style of both shows is similar, in that the battles are just used to keep the show going, though they are somewhat important in Blassreiter. Think of it as a much lighter, more action packed, but still depressing version of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Favourite Male Character: Hermann and Al
Favourite Female Character: Amanda
Least Favourite Character: Honestly, I didn't really like Xargin. Maybe Jill. Damn Jill.

Score: 18.7/20
Overall: Definitely great characters, with only a few characters missed, in terms of me wanting more.

I really enjoyed this series. I think it did a great job at doing a lot of things. The characters are really life-like, believable, and different and it is an overall great series put out by Studio Gonzo. I enjoyed most of the ride, but my enjoyment came to a slight stop near the end. Part of this was because of the series actually ending and not having any more episodes, but the other, larger part was that that the ending wasn't really what I expected. I will talk about this later. Many people agree that this was an entertaining series. But, there aren't too many people that say that this series was great or a must-watch. I'm one of those people that thinks, that it was great, but not necessarily a must-watch. If you like action, then it is a must-watch, because even if you don't like the characters, the action is good enough to just watch alone. But, if you don't really like action, even if you like strong character development, you might not like this show. It isn't really a thinker as much as it is just a sad story of humanity. For those who don't like action, sometimes the action get in the way of this characters and really screw some of the sad moods. One last thing is that I didn't really feel the Catholic/Christian thing in the show. The show talks about God's punishments and if he is really here to help us, but that is about it. There really isn't any other point to this and I feel that this could have been avoided. A definite 2-sided argument, but I would be in favour of getting rid of it. Finally, would I enjoy a sequel? No, this series cannot receive a sequel because select eventssssss ( a lot of events) that happen in the first series.
Score: 27.9/30

Overall: Although this rating may be a little high, I found this series to be very enjoyable and it is without a doubt underrated by many people.

*Sigh*. Do I have a problem or something. For many animes I watch, I feel that I'm never overly satisfied with the ending. It might just be me who is bad at judging endings , or maybe they were just bad. This series had a mediocre ending that was resolved, but in a very anti-climactic. The ending was not as epic in the action department, or powerful in the sad/psychological/emotional department as it could have been. The good news is that it a pretty complete ending, but there are many  flaws and places that could have been improved. If you ask me, I think they could have had ended on the ending of Episode 22, if they replaced some of the events of 24 into 22. Episode 22 was just a much more emotional episode. Anyways, I'm not going to go too deep into this.
Score: 6.6/10
Overall: At least it wasn't terrible or leave too many questions unanswered.

Overall Score:
Total: 85.2/100

I really enjoyed this anime and would recommend it to anybody who is into action and to a lesser extent "thinker" animes. Anyways, stayed tuned for more anime reviews. The next anime review seems to have been voted as Claymore, so that should be next. As always, Follow, Comment, Enjoy, and CYA!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Daily Quote #26

Well, guess who had no time again. This guy. Anyways, that review for Blassreiter will be guaranteed for Friday. No School. Anyways, that's about it for today.

Quote: "People do not lose weight because of a certain product or workout plan. They lose weight because they work hard to achieve their goals."


Monday, June 3, 2013

DAily Quote #25

Sorry guys, no review today. Extremely busy with school and stuffs. Also, really busy tomorrow. Good news is that the review is half way done and could be finished if I'm not busy Wednesday.

Quote: "Execute Perfection and you Will Succeed."

C. Tung

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Daily Quote #24

Well I'm back again. I was extremely busy Friday and Saturday and couldn't make any posts. Also, I was planning on making the review on Saturday, but that has been changed to being started now, and finished tomorrow. So, hopefully that goes pretty well and hopefully you guys have a good day.

Quote: "In our greatest allies, we may find our greatest weaknesses."

C. Tung