Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pokemon Reviews: Tyranitar

You are in the delicate mountains of the Jhoto region. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking furiously. The trees rocking back-and-forth like the those mechanical bulls. Rocks falling down the mountains like people running when there is a sale on Boxing Day. There she is. It is the subtle yet violent and menacing Tyranitar.

What a way to start this whole campaign. I'll be the first to say that I'm not the greatest at battling. Though I might say that I'm just a mini mini bit above average. I'm starting this campaign with the Beast Himself, Tyranitar.


For this review, I will focus solely on the competitive aspect. This monster breaks into the scene with a massive 134 base attack. This attack stat ranks it for the 22nd highest. (Though the 6 pokemon who rank above it all have base 135 attack, so it should be ranked as tied with them). Its attack stat is also the highest of any other dark or rock type in the game. It doesn't only have a high attack, it has strong STAB moves to back it up in Stone Edge and Crunch. In the defense category, the pseudo-legendary has above average HP, Defense, and Sp. Defense, being 100/110/100 respectively. Its special defense is also increase by 1.5 when in a sandstorm, because of the sandstorm special defense boost for Rock-Type. If that wasn't enough, its ability, Sand Stream, automatically summons a never-ending sandstorm. This makes Tyranitar a very bulky tank on the special side, with 354 sp. defense in a sandstorm with no EVS. Tyranitar's Special Attack is also rather high, but not high enough for OU standards to be an effective sweeper on the special side. 0 EVs in Special Attack nets it, a OHKO on Offensive DDance Dragonite after Stealth Rocks, with Ice Beam. 60 EVS allows it to crush Standard Gliscor and Salamence for guaranteed OHKOs. Finally 100 EVs, gets it OHKOs on Spdefensive Forretress(Without Sturdy) and almost all variants Scizor with Fire Blast, while also almost guaranteeing a 2HKO on Standard Hydreigon. Overall its Sp. Attack is very useful with a wide array of coverage moves such as: Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt...
Now, Tyrantitar's worst stat is definitely its speed. Sitting at a measly 61, the best thing about it is that it is 61 and not 60, allowing it to outpace and speedcreep base 60s. Tyranitar has a Great Asset in Dragon Dance, but even after +1 it doesn't outspeed much. +1 Adamant only hits 331 barely outpacing base 100 +Speed. While Jolly fares a little better barely outpacing Starmie and base 115s with 364 speed. Tyranitar gets Rock Polish but this is seldom used because even with a polish up, it fails to outspeed any common scarfer in OU.


Tyranitar can be used in a variety of situations; It plays many different roles on a team.
Roles Include: Sand Storm Support, Tank, Mixed Attacker, DDance Sweeper, Trapper, Stealth Rocker, Revenge Killer etc....
In short, a lot of roles. 
Notable moves:
-Stealth Rock
-Pursuit, Crunch
-Fire Blast, Ice Beam
-Stone Edge

Cool and Underused Moves:
-Dragon Dance, Rock Polish
-Roar, Dragon Tail

Standard Movesets:

If you came hear to find standard movesets of Tyranitar, then I you have come to the wrong place. I am not going take any standard sets from Smogon an put them here; when you can just look them up. (LoL)

Cool Movesets:

252 Attack
252 Speed
4 Sp Def
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Item: Leftovers, Life Orb, Lum Berry
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge
-Earthquake/Superpower//Aqua Tail

With Dragon Dance Tyranitar can turn into a dangerous sweeper. The speed dealeos were already mentioned above, but I will swiftly copy and paste them down here.  +1 Adamant only hits 331 barely outpacing base 100 +Speed. While Jolly fares a little better barely outpacing Starmie and base 115s with 364 speed. Having said this, Jolly is definitely recommended, but Adamant can be use for extra power and if you are sure you can get 2 dances up. 
Here are some calcs for Jolly:
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Stone Edge vs 0 HP/0 Def Politoed: 99.07% - 116.82% (93.75% chance to OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Stone Edge vs 0 HP/0 Def Hydreigon (+Def) : 76.62% - 90.46% (2 hits to KO) Possible OHKO with Rocks
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Crunch vs 0 HP/0 Def Latios (+Def) : 146.51% - 172.43% (Guaranteed OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Crunch vs 0 HP/0 Def Latias (+Def) : 132.56% - 156.48% (Guaranteed OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Crunch vs 252 HP/252 Def Latias (+Def) : 84.89% - 100.55% (6.25% chance to OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Earthquake vs 0 HP/0 Def Tentacruel (+Def) : 143.52% - 169.44% (Guaranteed OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar Earthquake vs 0 HP/0 Def Terrakion (+Def) : 102.79% - 121.36% (Guaranteed OHKO)

252 +1 Atk Tyranitar (+Atk) Stone Edge vs 0 HP/0 Def Mamoswine: 91.69% - 108.03% (50% chance to OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar (+Atk) Stone Edge vs 0 HP/0 Def Venusaur: 106.98% - 125.91% (Guaranteed OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar (+Atk) Stone Edge vs 54 HP/0 Def Multiscale Dragonite: 85.71% - 100.89% (6.25% chance to OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar (+Atk) Stone Edge vs 0 HP/0 Def Haxorus: 102.39% - 120.82% (Guaranteed OHKO)
252 +1 Atk Tyranitar (+Atk) Crunch vs 252 HP/252 Def Reuniclus (+Def) : 89.86% - 106.13% (37.5% chance to OHKO)

Just some calcs to glisten your taste buds. lol. This set can be very useful. Although I don't recall ever sweeping any teams, it can serve to eliminate 2-4 pokemon. Then again, my I have swept some teams. The standard STAB moves of CrunchEdge are here while the last slot is up to personal preference. Aqua Tail OHKOs Terakion regardless of Nature and is a solid choice to combat many ground-type switch ins. (Landorus-T, Gliscor, Donphan etc..) Earthquake builds the solid EdgeQuake coverage that  we all know and love. Finally Superpower is a great fit for getting rid of pesky steel types, but it should be used sparingly because the Attack drop may halt a sweep. 


Hmmmmm Rating. I really don't know about this but, I'm going to come up with a rating system and rate a pokemon that is consistently in the TOp 10 in usage. Hmmmm.


Usability or Risk in Battle: 12/15
Diversity: 9.5/10
Movepool: 9/10
Stats: 10/10
Threat Level: 14/20
Amazingness: 5/5
Effectiveness at filling its role(s):13/15

Total Score: 82.5

Hmmm Not a bad score at all. To be honest I just made up this system on the spot. Tyranitar is a pokemon who is not that hard to use and it is pretty good at doing what it needs to ie: Trapping, Setting up Rocks, Setting up SandStorm. It also does not pose much of a threat when it comes to raw power, but has a diverse amount of sets it can run and a diverse movepool to opponents guessing.


Wow this was a pretty long article. I think I've spent maybe 1-2 hours on this. I might have to change that schedule of mine. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this article about the beast himself Tyranitar. This is my first review and I hope they will continue to improve along the way. If you like what you read, then please follow my blog for more Pokemon, anime, and random reviews coming up. Comment, Follow, Enjoy and CYA!

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