Saturday, January 17, 2015

Death Parade Episode #2 Review: Questions and Answers

To begin, I would like to restate my love for the OP of this show. It is exciting and really makes me want to put my hands up and dance to the beat. I mean, you know an anime OP amazing and/or addictive and/or catchy when...

1. You try to download the song at school onto your phone just so you can listen to it while doing seat work

2. You go take a shower and have it blasting on full volume (albeit the full volume isn't that loud). You also, start humming the song and putting your hands up and dancing, but hopefully not falling to your death or a nosebleed.

3. You try to transpose the opening trumpet tune knowing full well that you suck at transposing. You unsurprisingly fail, but secretly want to do it again.

Well, now that I'm past that rant about how absolutely mind-blowing the OP is, on the review:

The Show:
I think I'll start dividing the review into sections like this to make it more organized.

Anyways, this week's episode was another very well put together episodes. We are introduced to 2 main, new characters Nona and the no name girl (I'll call her Maria, because she kind of looks like a Maria). Nona seems to be sort of a leader of the arbiters that focuses most of her time on managing the place. Maria, has forgotten her name and is now the new assistant to Dequim. We end up reliving some of the moments of the last episode, but from more of a spectator's point of view. We learn a bunch of things different things in regards to the judgments and how the Arbiters affect them. The Arbiters are able to see the couples' memories and use these along with their present actions to make their judgment. What we notice is that Dequim might have actually made a mistake and overlooked the weird series of events. We learn that Dequim's hobby is making mannequins which is, kind of creepy of obscure. Also, judgments aren't always correct and it would seem that Dequim made a bad decision. This leads me to believe that the 2 people can both be sent for reincarnation. Otherwise, since he deemed the husband innocent, his mistake must have been sending Machiko to the Void; and thus, she should have been sent for reincarnation as well. Overall, it provides a great analysis of the events of the first episode while still introducing and even developing the characters.

The Good:

  • Dat OP though. I still haven't figured out if the OP is just catchy or if it is actually a good song. I definitely leaning towards absolutely stupendous, but we'll see after I take the time to dissect it.
  • The background music once again brings out all the emotions and sets the mood perfectly
  • New and interesting characters are introduced. 
  • Art and animation for the most part is very fluid and colourful.
  • Although, somewhat slow-paced it succeeded in retelling for the most part the same story and still making it interesting. 
  • Dat OP though.
  • I haven't really talked about the ED that much, but I think that NoisyCell did a very good job. It isn't the glorious BOOm BoOM bOOM fest that the OP is, but I'm glad it isn't. It follows the mood of the episode and successfully gives you a last look at the characters that you care for so much. I also like how they add a little 20-30 second cliffhanger-teaser at the end. The ED keeps you there just long enough to where, you are just able to get to the clip.
  • People make mistakes, Arbiters do too. No big Deal.
  • Finally, what I really like is the suspense. I hate the overuse of cliffhangers. Real suspense and excitement should have fans praying to the Arbiter Gods for the next episode, without the need for cliffhangers. It delivers a high amount of intrigue while answering and simultaneously presenting more and more questions.
  • P.S. Dat OP though.

The Bad:

  • A lot of the Dart scenes seemed to be reused from the previous episode. Though it isn't that bad, it is somewhat lazy on Madhouse's part.
  • Is it just me or are anime earrings always drawn bad. They are always like floating from the ear. I mean are the Arbiters really that super powerful that they have the force? Anyways, this is a problem that occurs in many anime, and maybe just difficult to animate.
  • The transitions from still shots seem a little slow. This maybe used for dramatic effect, but they are slightly irritating.
  • Overall, these are just me knit-picking trying criticize the show. The good definitely beats out the bad.

The Questions:
  • Will we learn more about Nona?
  • What is Maria's real name?
  • How does one become an Arbiter?
  • Are Arbiters immortal?
  • What happens if nothing exciting happens during the game?
  • Can both players be sent through the same gate?
  • How will the remaining episodes progress? Will they all be 2-parters with analysis in the second episode?
  • Will the next game be able to live up to the first one?
  • Where was Nona at the end of the episode?
  • Can a person stuck in the Void be brought back?
  • Is Dequim always the Arbiter, or are there other ones that are able to start a game?

These are just a couple of questions that I was able to think of off the top of my head. Next week, I will re-post them, and see if any were answered, along with whole slew of new ones.

This is definitely one of the best anime of the season. I'm watching about 6 this season and it's the series I look forward to the second most (behind Tokyo Ghoul) each week. I'd give the episode a solid 7.91/10, and I'm really looking forward to the next episode. As always, don't forget to Follow, +1, Comment, and CYA!

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