Sunday, September 22, 2013

Anime Review: Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai

Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai 
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute

We are back today, with another exciting anime review! Today

I'll be reviewing Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai.


  •  Kousaka, is your standard high school student. He has a pretty normal life, normal grades and really doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. But, one day this all changes when he finds out his little sister, Kirino's, secret. Kyousuke doesn't along with her at all! She  has amazing grades, amazing athletic skills, and works as a model outside of school. She is basically better than Kyousuke at everything. Having said this she is also, hot-tempered, very whiny, annoying...You get the drill.
  • So, one day Kyousuke finds a DVD for Stardust Witch Meruru on the ground. He talks about such a DVD at the dinner table. To his surprise, his sister calls him to her room directly after the meal. She proceeds to show him an extensive collection of her anime and manga. Her collection consists of mainly moe and bishoujo with an emphasis on little sister games/visual novels and anime. He is blown away that his sister, the so called perfect girl, could be housing such "indecent" material. From then on everything changes and she threatens to kill him if he tells anyone else.


  • The plot is based around trying to help Kirino keep her "indecent" hobby a secret while still enjoying. During this time, she treats him like a slave, making him play all her games, suggesting that she needs someone to rate her games with an unbiased opinion. From the first episode, she turns into the crazy-controlling-monster that screams every 5 seconds. Depending on your like of this type of mega-tsundere-esque character, your initial experience with this show could swiftly turn you away.
  • Anyways, the overall story, doesn't really have a so called "sequence of events". The show is a comedy and slice of life, so it is basically living through Kyousuke's life. Throughout the plot, Kirino makes outrageous requests, such as taking the train to Akihabra (a couple hours away) just to get a game at the midnight release for her. This all but eliminates all of Kyousuke's weekends. So, in a sense it is a "Weekly-Monster" type of show, where the monster is Kiriino's next orders.
  • The concept of this show is very interesting. It basically bases the story around the female otaku, Kirino. In our society, otakus generally tend to be males, and this show tries to reverse this on us by giving us, Kirino. Having said this, it does not stray away from many anime norms, such as the tsundere-female character, the normal and helpful male character, and even the shy girl. At the end of the day, there is a good amount of original content, but it still uses some of the regular anime tropes.
  • Did this show succeed as a comedy? I felt like it did, but it definitely could have been better. The show does succeed in providing a plethora of comedic scenes, throughout its 12+1 ("True-Ending") but never really showcases those "laugh-out-loud" moments that I was hoping for. 
Overall: In the end, this show brings forth some interesting ideas, and executes them decently for an overall decent viewing experience.
Score: 7.2/10


  • This show is very good in the animation department. Vibrant colours, clean animation and, a light and carefree feel are all images that come to mind. This show did a very good job at have light colours to lighten up the mood of the show. There really isn't much to say except that the art was spot on and really well drawn.
Overall: Just, really, really good.
Score: 8.8/10


  • The biggest component for sound in this show, is the infamous opening and endingssssss. What differentiates this show from the many other animes in our world, is the fact that every episode one of the 12 episodes has its each individual ending. Although none of them particularly stood out, the simple fact of having them is a boon in itself. This brought a certain different feel to the end of every episode, that most definitely was enjoyable.
  • Next is the OP. The OP was actually quite good and help to showcase some of the show's fundamental features. Actually it does a really good job at this, because each intro actually has slightly different slides of animation. Although  some intros were the same , there were quite a few different ones, that really helped to enhance the shows meaning. 
  • Here is a great example of what I a talking about. 
  • (this video shows all the openings simultaneously)
  • Otherwise, I feel like the soundtrack somewhat generic. Not to say that it was bad in any means, it was just that there wasn't too many standout songs. Honestly, I didn't even feel like their was music playing most of the time. Now, after going back and listening to some parts of the OST on YouTube, it's pretty good. The thing is there are so many animes these days, that it is hard to find one that isn't just going with the status quo. In so many anime, we always get fan service, tsundere, girls with large breasts and different coloured hair... etc; it's so difficult to differentiate from the pack, when the same old same old, still generates profits.
  • Last is the voice acting. Generally, I don't really care about the voice acting in Japanese or English Dub. In the only 30-40 anime series that I have watched, I have yet to find one where I absolutely hate some of the voice acting. (Except potentially Black Star from Soul Eater. That was just pretty terrible at times)

Overall: Solid soundtrack and an interesting spin on the standard opening and ending.
Score: Opening: 1.1/1.3
           Ending: 0.63/7
           Sound: 6.7/8
Total: 8.43/10


  • Starting off the Character section we have the brother-sister duo, Kirino and Kyousuke. They are very different; from their appearances to their personalities, there nothing really similar about them. Kyousuke is your average calm, peaceful and ordinary guy, who is pretty much the "King of Normal" (Except for Manami of course). Kirino, is a hot-headed, obnoxious, tsundere character that demands her brother do whatever she wants him to do. The series as a whole is based around these two and how they live their everyday lives together. I will give a fair warning now in saying that Kirino can be very annoying. For those who don't like tsundere characters a lot , let's just say that this might not be the right anime for you. The two characters on their own aren't too special, but when combined together in the show's weird-ass plot, it provides for an enjoyable comedy.
  • Next we have a limited in both description and quantity of supporting characters:
  • First is Saori. She's kind of weird, I guess. Out of the three supporting characters, she is the only one that doesn't get any development at all. Though, not much is known about her, I still think that she plays a vital role in the show's overall success
  • Next we have Kuroneko. She is the mature, sophisticated, girl that also happens to watch anime. She seems to be very cold and dark on the outside, but she really isn't at home. She is also very shy and public and has a hard time expressing herself. This cold and sophisticated love of anime, often conflicts that of Kirino, who prefers joyous and cheery anime. This leads to many arguments between the two and many laughs to be had.
  • Last we have Manami. She is your basic "childhood-friend" character. She is normal/average at a lot of activities, including school, but she exceptionally good at cooking and doing housework. She and Kyousuke have a very close relationship, but when it comes to actually being lovers, Kyousuke is uninterested. He states that it's much easier and more relaxing to live alone then with someone else.
  • Finally, we have the character designs. The character designs were actually very precise and defined. None of the characters looked too much like another and they were all created to fit the cheery, comedic, atmosphere of the show. Nothing more to say here, except that they did a good job here.
Overall: Some interesting characters, I guess...
Score:  7.2/10


  • This series can't be liked by everyone. The enjoyment can be determined by one's enjoyment of the general themes of the show. If you like the overall idea of a female character being literally addicted to anime and being a very annoying brat during the entire show, then you might really enjoy this show. The biggest obstacle for this show is the main character, Kirino. There is no doubt that this show has a multitude of comedic and enjoyable scenes and episodes, but can one man (or woman) stand the woman that is Kirino? Maybe.
  • To put a personal opinion out there, I would say that I didn't really mind her too much. This could though, be attributed to the fact that I take a personal liking to most tsundere characteres in general; I might even say that they are usually my favourite girls in the show. ( cough...Asuka Langley Soryu...cough) Having said this I didn't really like her too much. This isn't too say that I really liked her, because I didn't. I felt the pains of her being unbelievably annoying at times and it really did hamper this series enjoyment. 
  • Otherwise the show does have some pretty high points and it was definitely not a waste of time. It provides an original story, with fluent animation and sound in order to enjoy some sheer entertainment for the watcher.
Overall: Kirino. Yes? No?
Score: 7.1/10


  • The ending was acceptable. I will say that it was completely unexpected by me. (but it's me we're talking about) The show shifts from a light and airy mood, to a more sophisticated and mysterious series of events. The ending was left pretty open-ended and so it's no surprise that they came out with a sequel. Anyways, think of it as an ending that fits the show and treat it as such.
Overall: A fitting ending that provides nothing special, but provides no hate for the show.
Score: 6.8/10

Final Score:

Plot: 7.2/10
Animation: 8.8/10
Sound: 8.43/10
Characters: 7.2/10
Enjoyment: 7.1/10
Ending: 6.8/10

Total: 7.59/10


My Little Sister Can't be This Cute is a unique and fun 4+ hours. The show has a lot going for it and really does a good job at projecting a different perspective on your average otaku. Overall the main flaws and strengths come from Kirino herself. If you like her or can stand her, you will find this to be a highly enjoyable anime. If you can't stand her, you will most likely find her extremely annoying and drop the show immediately. Anyways, this is the end of thee review and hopefully you have enjoyed it. Hopefully this review has helped you make a decision on whether or not to watch this show. As always, Comment, Enjoy, Follow and CYA!

Recommendation System: A---

This show receives an A minus, minus, minus. The reason for this is that the show itself is very decent. The animation and sound are original and exceptionally well in their respective departments and the story and plot meet the expectations of the show. The greatest obstacle facing this show is without a doubt, Kirino. She is particularily annoying and cannot be forgotten. 
If you can manage her, then you will most likely enjoy the show.
Also, as a side note, the show makes a multitude of small references to other popular anime and previous knowledge of these anime will make it all the more enjoyable.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just A Pokemon BAttle

Just a Pokemon Battle.

Anime Quote of Today: 
"No human being, regardless of who they might be, wants to look directly at their own shortcomings."

Satou Tatsuhiro (Welcome to the NHK)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Anime Update

Next Review for Oreimo will be up soon.
In a few days.
I have been pretty sick, so that kinda sucks.

Anyways, you guys should check it out.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pokemon Battle + New Anime Review Soon

Here are a couple of cool showdown battles to fill some time. Also, I really haven't been watching too much anime at all lately. But, now I' m back into the groove and will start watching tomorrow. My next anime is Oreimo. Expect a  review by the end of the week. Thanks.